Most make you tired, some make you good. Only we make you Elite!


Back to blogging!

I have been super busy growing the business and family! I now have 2 awesome Sports Performance/ Personal Trainers (Ryan and Bill) working for Elite Training! Also, we had a son born August 9th Greyson Myles. So as you can see my time and efforts have been spent elsewhere.

Now that things have settled down a bit and I am in more a routine I wanted to get back into blogging about fitness and Sports Performance. Something that I will be talking about and love using in my own training as well as with clients and athletes are the TRX Suspension Trainers. These things are awesome! Both Ryan and myself got certified in early August in their Group Suspension certification program. In November we will be getting certified in the TRX Sports Medicine Program so that we can bridge the gap between rehabilitation and training after an injury.

In our coming blogs we will be writing about our observations, workouts, client results with the TRX! With the blogs we plan on having some videos as well. So please spread the word and keep checking in!

Keep your New Year’s Resolution Going

So it is February already and Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring. If you have abandoned your resolutions for weight loss, fitness and a healthier lifestyle, now is the time to re-commit. There are so many reasons why our good intentioned Resolutions fail. A large part of that is we make them and don’t share them. What better way to share your plan than with a workout group that shares a common goal. Grab a few friends for a buddy training or work out class. You can keep each other motivated and accountable. Talk about meal plans and gain ideas from your friends for eating healthy, drinking light and maximizing your calorie burn. Good luck getting back on track and staying there!

A New Juice Idea to Try

Here is another juice I enjoy. This one is really more of a veggie extravaganza, but you get the idea. Full of vitamins and veggies. Just a reminder, I drink and make at least 16 ounces (but usually 20-22 ounces) for each juice. So depending upon how juicy your veggies are you may need to double up on the ingredients. Enjoy and keep an eye out for another recipe coming soon 🙂


2 carrots

1 tomato

1 yellow squash or ½ if it is large

1 cucumber

1 large handful spinach

Is Your Workout HARMFUL?

There are many reasons why a workout can be harmful. First, lets start with poor execution. If you are using machines or weight improperly on your own at the gym you can really hurt yourself. Second, lets go to over exertion. Programs and pop-up fads like P90X and CrossFit  are all about over exerting yourself which have led to countess strains, stress fractures and more bodily harm than good. Lastly, DVD’s or on-demand workouts offer a very inexpensive way to workout but without professional oversight the opportunity to do more than your body can handle within the routine are very great. Over the next three weeks I will delve deeper into the harms within each instance above and alternatives which will be safer for your body.

Fruit and Veggie Juicing

Myself and my family have incorporated juicing into our lifestyle and I would like to share some of the benefits with you. With very busy days I was finding it hard to keep my energy levels up and keep from getting that dragging feeling each day. I am not a coffee drinker and do not believe in any of the energy shot type supplements either. Then a friend mentioned to me the documentary……………. After watching it my mind was made up regarding adding fresh juice into my life. The juicing has helped give me a boost of energy on the long and physically demanding days I have. I eat green apple slices for snacks to curb my hunger, fill me up and get a bit more fruit in each day. Over the next few weeks I will share some recipes that myself and my family enjoy.

Five steps to Losing the last 5 lbs before that big day



So you have either been dieting for the past few weeks and you are stuck with that last five pounds or you have put off losing the extra five pounds you put on from winter and now the day of reckoning is almost upon you. The big event of course varies. From birthday party, summer vacation, family reunion, wedding or just shorts season in general. So in the event you have four weeks left I say it is never too late to start the workout routine. I will recommend the following five steps to getting you to your goal. First, It may be in your best interest to add in some classes or personal training sessions to really jump start your routine and get that metabolism going.  Second, drink water and only water. You can cut out so many calories and carbs that you will not even miss by drinking only water. This also means drinking plenty of it. Those eight, eight ounce glasses per day are not enough so go for ten glasses. Third, pay real close attention to what you are eating. I am not saying completely cut out every delicious morsel you contemplate putting in your mouth but take note of what you have been eating and try to consume some less. Fourth, you should try to increase you activity. I know you have heard it before but parking farther away in the parking lot or taking the stairs instead of the elevator really does help burn more calories. Walking more, no matter how you can squeeze it in, will help you take off that weight and if you keep it up you can keep it off.  With the extra working out, walking and less eating I am sure you are hungry at this point, bringing us to the last step. Fifth, try to increase your fruits and veggies. They are good for you of course but their high fiber content will help you feel full.

Good luck and if you need some help please contact me for openings in the schedule for personal trainings or class availability.

If you have not included Kettlebells in your workouts …You SHOULD!

Great article on kettlbells. Click the picture.

Elite Athlete

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We want to wish good luck to Elite Training Athlete Sean Quarterman as he leaves for his 1st college football camp tomorrow at Millersveille University. Sean will be a freshman QB this season and hopes to win the starting job as a freshman!

Sean has been an Elite Training client for over a year. He trained with us last spring/summer when we were hired to train the Monsignor Bonner High School Football Team in Drexel Hill, PA.  After graduating this spring he signed up again to prep for his 1st college season. Sean trained with us 2-3 times per week for 1.5 hours each workout. We trained Speed/Agility and conditioning for 45 mins. followed by 45 mins. of strength each time.

After a successful high school career we wish him the best in is college career and have high expectations for him this season.